Bottom Up Biochar

Think for a moment: When did you first hear about “chemical fertilizers”? You just always knew… because millions of dollars are spent to subsidies fertilizers and advertise for them: “Make fertilizers accessible and desirable to everyone” 

Why not do it for biochar?

Because it is free. Noone earns money advertising for free products. Good thing that I care more for people and the planet than I do for money. 

June 2020, I started joining Facebook groups on farming in Zambia, Botswana, Ghana… to promote biochar. Even there I saw advertisments of large agro-businesses. So I decided to copy their strategy:

“Make biochar accessible and desirable to everyone”

Instead of “More fertilizer, more plant growth, get 50% off”, I went for “More biochar, more microbes, make it for free”. I got blocked… from a Facebook group for farming in Kenya because my offer seemed to good to be true. But before that happened, 1000 members joined the “Biochar Network Africa” wanting to learn… so I started turning complex concepts into simple graphics: Making biochar know-how accessible to everyone!

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Until then: Join the Biochar Network Africa!

…a Facebook group for everyone interested in small-scale, low-tech and practical biochar production. All my content is also postet there and you can find great discussions about biochar making, charing and application. See you there!